M Killifish
The "M" Killifish
Species List
Nimbapanchax leucopterygius
Lola -
The old "Roloffia Aphyosemion / Archaphyosemion maeseni turned out to have been described from a type specimen that was really an Epiplatys. This is the new name for that fish.
Fundulopanchax gardneri mamfense
Basua -   Bachou_Akakbe CB3SR_2007-19 -    Ebinsi -
Mfuni -   Okoyong Ossing -   Talangaye -   Yoke -

Fundulopanchax gardneri mamfense

Rivulus (Laimosemion) mahdiaensis
desc biotope
karyo -  (2n=38) Guy_97-5

Rivulus mahdiaensis

Discovered in 1995 by W. Suijker and Y. Suijker-Jansen who also found another location 1997 with F. and M. Vermeulen; no other locations have been found since. Described by W. Suijker and G. Collier in 2006. Unusually low number of chromosomes with a rather large pair of arcocentric elements (shown with arrows). Uneven sex ratios are common, not difficult otherwise. From cool acidic soft "black" water similar to African killifish blackwater biotopes for example, Diopteronspecies.
Funduls majalis

Funduls majalis

Nothobranchius makondorum
Melela_River -
Molocue_River -

Nothobranchius makondorum

Aphyosemion maculatum
ABDEK_12-495 -   Bisun -   DNA_1_LOLO-1 -
GEMLH_16-28 -   PEG_94 -  aff -

Aphyosemion maculatum

Fundulopanchax marmoratus
Bakossi -   Ituka -
Mbonge -   Mundemba -

Fundulopanchax (Pauciradius) marmoratus

Rivulus (Laimosemion) mabura

Rivulus mabura

Hypsolebias macaubensis

Hypsolebias macaubensis

Rachovia maculipinnis

Rachovia maculipinnis

Anablepsoides micropus

Anablepsoides micropus

Cyprinodon macularius

Cyprinodon macularius

Pantanodon madagascariensis

Pantanodon madagascariensis

Platypanchax modestus

Platypanchax modestus

Aphanius maeandricus

Aphanius maeandricus

Hypsolebias mediopapillatus

Hypsolebias mediopapillatus

Rivulus mejiai

Rivulus mejiai

Cyprinodon meeki

Cyprinodon meeki

Paraphanius mento
Zengen Domasa
Ein_Feshka Elbistan

Paraphanius mento

Nothobranchius melanospilus
Mbezi -  Mbezi river floodplains Mwakanga Ramisi_KE_01-12
TSTS_2010-16 Vigwaza aff -  N. affinis melanospilus

Nothobranchius melanospilus

Epiplatys mesogramma
cf -  Z86/15

Epiplatys mesogramma

Lacustricola margaritatus

Lacustricola margaritatus

Lacustricola margaritatus, a new species inhabiting small streams and swamps in the Lake Victoria basin in north-western Tanzania and southern Uganda, and the Lake Kyoga basin in central Uganda, is described. Lacustricola margaritatus is a small species with a moderately deep body, moderate dimorphism and pronounced dichromatism. It is distinguished from all other Procatopodidae by the following unique combination of characters: live male body colour pattern with vertically-elongated iridescent light blue patches at scale centres, forming a striped appearance of dotted longitudinal lines on the flanks, particularly evident in the two or three series below the mid-longitudinal line; male having deeply coloured unpaired fins with orange-brown in the proximal and median parts and a narrow black distal band; male with a yellow base along the pectoral fin; female with dark grey scale margins and dark grey patches on scales along mid-longitudinal series creating a narrow dark grey stripe; both sexes showing inconspicuous postopercular blotch; and in both sexes, the cephalic sensory system is entirely situated in open grooves at all levels. The new species has previously often been misidentified as L. pumilus, originally described as inhabiting the Lake Tanganyika basin in north-eastern Zambia, or 'L.' centralis, from the Lake Rukwa basin in south-western Tanzania. Lacustricola margaritatus differs from the above two species by morphometric and meristic characters, body and fin colouration, and in arrangement of the cephalic sensory system.
Cynodonichthys magdalenae
Ibague -
Santandercito -  Tocaima -

Cynodonichthys magdalenae

The highland form has an orange band in the tail, the lowland form has a white bar in the tail.
Hypsolebias magnificus
Itacarambi -

Hypsolebias magnificus

Hypsolebias marginatus
Barro_Alto -

Hypsolebias marginatus

Simpsonichthys margaritatus

Simpsonichthys margaritatus

Nothobranchius (N.mic) microlepis
Tana_River_South -

Nothobranchius (N.mic) microlepis

Aphyosemion mimbon
G02 -   Akoga -  BBS_99-22 -   Bicum_2018-15 -   GCC_13 -
GEB -   GEGVPO_2018-17 -   GEMG_11-24 -   GEMHS -   GEMLB_02-3 -   GEMLC_4-7 -   GHG_83-1 -    GWW_86-30 -    LEC -   NKinnen_DNA_01 -

Aphyosemion mimbon

Leptolebias minimus
Inoa -
Seropedica -

Notholebias minimus

Cynopeocelius ladigesi
Cynloebias minimus
Leptolebias minimus
Aphyosemion microphtalmum

Aphyosemion microphtalmum

Fundulopanchax mirabilis
Mbio -
Nchemba -

Fundulopanchax mirabilis

Anatolichthys meridionalis

Anatolichthys meridionalis

Profundulus  mixtlanensis

Profundulus mixtlanensis

Nothobranchius mkuziensis

Nothobranchius mkuziensis

Aphyosemion malumbresi

Aphyosemion malumbresi

Aphyosemion melanogaster
Lobe -
kribi -

Aphyosemion melanogaster

Cynodonichthys = MGD milesii

Cynodonichthys milesii = MGD

Cyprinodon salinus milleri

Cyprinodon salinus milleri

Cynopoecilus melanotaenia

Cynopoecilus melanotaenia

 Aphyosemion  melinoeides
Akok -
Fenda -

Aphyosemion melinoeides

Austrolebias melanoorus

Austrolebias melanoorus

Lacustricola maculatus

Lacustricola maculatus

Plataplochilus miltotaenia

Plataplochilus miltotaenia

Nothobranchius milvertzi
Lushiba_Chienge -

Nothobranchius milvertzi

Nothobranchius moameensis

Nothobranchius moameensis

Leptolebias marmoratus

Leptolebias marmoratus

Plataplochilus mimus

Plataplochilus mimus

Aphyosemion mandoroense

Aphyosemion mandoroense

Aphyosemion montealenense

Aphyosemion montealenense

Aphyosemion mengilai

Aphyosemion mengilai

Cynodonichthys monikae

Cynodonichthys monikae

Fundulopanchax moensis
Bakebe -   Bator -
Eyang -   Kendem -   Manyemen -

Fundulopanchax moensis

Cyprinodon nevadensis mionectes

Cyprinodon nevadensis mionectes

Hylopanchax moke

Hylopanchax moke

Epiplatys dageti monroviae
Harbel -
Robertsfield -   photos_by -

Epiplatys dageti monroviae

Callopanchax monroviae
CI2012 -  Harbel -
Paynesville_97 -   Robertsport -    red -

Callopanchax monroviae

Austrolebias monstrosus

Austrolebias monstrosus

Cynopoecilus multipapaillatus

Cynopoecilus multipapaillatus

Aphyosemion marginatum
Bengui -
Bifoun -   G80-13 -

Aphyosemion marginatum

Rivulus (Atlantirivulus) maricensis

Rivulus maricensis

Atlantirivulus maricensis: UFRJ 9822, holotype, male, 33.4 mm SL: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro: Maricá.
Rivulus (Kryptolebias) marmoratus
Aruba -
Dangriga -

Rivulus marmoratus

(formerly 'Rivulus marmoratus')
Empetrichthys merriami

Empetrichthys merriami

Lacustricola moeruensis

Lacustricola moeruensis

Hypsolebias martinsi

Hypsolebias martinsi

Hylopanchax multisquamatus

Hylopanchax multisquamatus

Nothobranchius malaissei "Kabiasha CD 16/18"Kabiasha CD 16/18
Kabiusha -
Sange_DRCH_2008-06 -

Nothobranchius malaissei

Nothobranchius matanduensis

Nothobranchius matanduensis

Paraphanius mentoides

Paraphanius mentoides

Aphyosemion mitemelense
Esong_Rio_Misee -  GEAV_14-7 -
GEGVPO_2018-15 -   GEMLC_04-05 -

Aphyosemion mitemelense

"Aphyosemion mitemelense can be distinguished from both described species of the ‘A.’ herzogi species group by the male colour pattern of body and unpaired fins. In A. mitemelense the caudal fin has several more or less horizontal relatively wide dark red bands on centre and lower part of fin vs. whole fin with many red interradial lines on blue centre and lower part of fin in ‘A.’ bochtleri and two red lines edging a broad yellow band on fin centre in ‘A.’ herzogi. Background of anal fin green to blue green in A. mitemelense vs. yellow to orange, at least basally, in the other two species.

Aphyosemion mitemelense can be distinguished from neighboring undescribed species from the ‘A.’ herzogi group by having a greenish appearance and a green anal fin with irregular red blotches and/or stripes and a large dark red spot at the base of pectoral fin vs. a reddish appearance and an orange anal fin with regular interradial lines and lacking a red spot at the base of pectoral fin in populations on the right bank of the Mitemele River in southern Equatorial Guinea; by lacking a yellow horizontal band at the base of anal fin vs. having such a band in a population that occur sympathetic near the village of Mveayong in the extreme southeast of Equatorial Guinea. Aphyosemion mitemelense differs from populations between Ngolensok and Acurenam in southeastern Equatorial Guinea by absence of more or less regular red interradial lines in caudal fin centre, lower half of caudal greenish versus yellow and upper part of fin with many irregular red spots versus most part of upper half of caudal fin with red interradial lines; it differs also by the presence of broad red blotches, stripes or bands on greenish or blue-greenish anal fin versus more narrow, short red interradial lines on yellow or orange anal fin."
P17-18 "Three New Killifish Species (Cyprinodinriformes: Nothobranchiidae) From Equatorial Guinea" (PDF), Francisco J. Malumbres, Rainer Sonnenberg & Jouke R. Van der Zee, Oct 2022
Micropanchax macrophthalmus

Micropanchax macrophthalmus

Rivulus (Cynodonichthys) montium
Nombre_de_Dios -

Rivulus montium

was, Rivulus.

Oryzias matanensis

Anatolichthys marassantensis

Anatolichthys marassantensis

Lacustricola matthesi

Lacustricola matthesi

Epiplatys multifasciatus

Epiplatys multifasciatus

Austrolebias minuano

Austrolebias minuano

Aphyosemion musafirii

Aphyosemion musafirii

Lacustricola myaposae
Mkuze_ZA_19-1 -
Lake_Sibaya -

Lacustricola myaposae

Nimbapanchax melanopterygius
Cavally_River -

Nimbapanchax melanopterygius

Austrofundulus myersi
aff -

Austrofundulus myersi

Simsonichthys myersi

Xenurolebias myersi

Poropanchax myersi
aff -
ci -  maps -

Poropanchax myersi


Copyright 2022
Richard J. Sexton