The "A" killifish
Species List

Aphyosemion abacinum

Aphyosemion abacinum

Fundulus albolineatus (ex)

Fundulus albolineatus (ex)

Extinct. Not recorded in over a century. Its only known habitat has seen its banks lined with cement, been pumped dry on multiple occasions and what little segregated pools were reserved were stocked with non-native carp and goldfish.

Aphyosemion (Chromaphyosemion) aurantiacum
Weze -

Aphyosemion aurantiacum

Neofundulus aureomaculatus

Neofundulus aureomaculatus

Austrolebias adloffi

Austrolebias adloffi

Profundulus adani

Profundulus adani

Simpsonichthys adornatus

Simpsonichthys adornatus

Rt5_Tres_Cruces -

Austrolebias affinis

Leptopanchax aureoguttatus

Leptopanchax aureoguttatus

Orestias agassizii

Orestias agassizii

Aplocheilichthys antinorii

Aplocheilichthys antinorii

Cynolebias akroa

Cynolebias akroa

Nothobranchius albimarginatus 'Yellow'
TZN_9-7 -  Kiparanganda
Yellow -  karyotype -  2n=36

Nothobranchius albimarginatus

Aphanius almiriensis

Aphanius almiriensis

Nothobranchius Albertinensis
Olobodagi -
UG_88-8 -

Nothobranchius albertinensis

Hypsolebias alternatus

Hypsolebias alternatus

Rivulus (Malenorivulus) amanbaeensis

Rivulus amanbaeensis

Rivulus amphoreus
Tafelberg -

Rivulus amphoreus

Cambodia Indonesia Malay_Penn
Singapore Sulawesi Thailand

Aplocheilus armatus

The true A. panchax only occurs in Bengal and the Ganges drainage.

There is another form from the Adamans Islands, (A. adamanticus).

All other forms from India to Borneo to Indonesia are A. armatus.

Nothobranchius (Adin.gue) annectens

Nothobranchius annectens


Aplocheilus andamanicus

"In this study, based on morphological and molecular evidence, we demonstrate that A. andamanicus is indeed a distinct and valid species, which can easily be diagnosed from the widespread A. panchax."

Nothobranchius angelae
Itigi -
Mabondeni -

Nothobranchius angelae

Rivulus (Laimosemion) anitae

Rivulus anitae

Pachypanchax arnoulti

Pachypanchax arnoulti

Epiplatys annulatus
red -  Sierra Leone
yellow -  Guinea blue -  Liberia

Epiplatys annulatus

The color of dorsal fin changes from country to country - it's red in the in Sierra Leone, blue in Liberia and yellow in Guinea.

Hypsolebias antenori

Hypsolebias antenori


Austrolebias apaii

Rivulus (Melanorivulus) apiamici

Rivulus apiamici

Trigonectes aplocheiloides
KCA_30-08 -  Campo_Militar_BP_2019-26 -

Trigonectes aplocheiloides

Tellia apoda

Tellia apoda


Megupsilon aporus

Became extinct in the wild in the late 1980s and hangs by a thread in the hobby - it must eat every couple of hours and likes it unusually warm for a killifish.

As of 2020 they are allegedly extinct and no more remain in the hobby; they became extinct in nature in the mid 1980s.

Moema apurinan

Moema apurinan

Austrolebias arachan

Austrolebias arachan

Prorivulus auriferus

Prorivulus auriferus


Fundulus auroguttatus

Hypsolebias auratus

Hypsolebias auratus

Hypsolebias auratus, on an expedition organized by Cepta/ICMBIO, sponsored by WWF, we rediscovered the H Biotope. avalanche.
Once again it's changed. It is the fourth visit to the biotope, since 1996, and in all of them there has been a change in the road, with the construction of slopes so that the road does not flood changing, burying and endangering the biotope. In each and every time the well recovered and the species did not go extinct. But be alert, because it's the only known locality of this species.

Plesiolebias aruana

Plesiolebias aruana

Papiliolebias ashleyae
Pozo_del_Tigre -

Papiliolebias ashleyae

Kosswigichthys asquamatus

Kosswigichthys asquamatus

Nothobranchius attenboroughi

Nothobranchius attenboroughi

Rivulus (Melanorivulus) aithogrammus

Rivulus aithogrammus

Anatolichthys anatoliae anatoliae

Anatolichthys anatoliae anatoliae


Plesiolebias altamira

Cyprinodon atrorus

Cyprinodon atrorus


Epiplatys atratus

The only known photo.

Rivulus atratus

Rivulus atratus

Austrolebias araucarianus

Austrolebias araucarianus

EMS_90-8 -
GEB_04-9 -   Mouila -

Aphyosemion aureum

Aphyosemion avichan
Tubo -
GEML_00-16 -   Nguba_II -

Aphyosemion avichang

Cyprinodon alvarezi

Cyprinodon alvarezi

Paraphanius alexandri

Paraphanius alexandri

Epiplatys olbrechtsi azureus

Epiplatys olbrechtsi azureus