The blue panchax (Aplocheilus armatus; Cyprinodontiformes) or commonly known in Indonesia as "Ikan Kepala Timah" is probably the most widespread freshwater fish species throughout the archipelago; a vast area ranging from Sumatra to New Guinea.

Here are 3 males collected from 3 different localities in Sulawesi during our three separate field trips. The infra-insular variation is pretty amazing!

The uppermost one is from the Suso River in the Latimojong area that drains into the Gulf of Bone, in the Southern Arm of Sulawesi.

The middle one is from the Bongka River draining to the Gulf of Tomini, the Eastern Arm of Sulawesi.

The lowest one is from a river draining into the Makassar Strait in the Neck of Sulawesi.
- Daniel Lumbantobing

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Richard J. Sexton