Huber's list of family and genus names

Huber's list of family and genus names

From the early 1990s until 2010 Jean Huber at the National museum in Paris maintained a website that had an inordinate amount of killifish data. It's gone now, but the more pertinent parts are reproduced here.

2013: It's baaaaaack. Jean has not been well, but must be doing better, the site is back.



This list of all Killifish family-group names and their included generic names is the most accurate available list, according to current research.

Killifish, the common name for oviparous cyprinodontiformes fishes, are currently classified into 10 families (Huber, 2005):
- Aplocheilidae, only from India and Madagascar;
- Nothobranchiidae from Africa but Madagascar with 2 subfamilies: Nothobranchiinae and Epiplateinae;
- Rivulidae from Central and South America with 3 subfamilies: Rivulinae, Cynolebiinae and Kryptolebiinae;
- Fundulidae;
- Profundulidae, monotypic (which may be included also in Fundulidae as a subfamily or in Goodeidae as a subfamily, depending on authors);
- Goodeidae, with 2 subfamilies: Empetrichthyinae, oviparous and Goodeinae, viviparous;
- Valenciidae, also monotypic (which may be included also in Fundulidae or Cyprinodontidae, as a subfamily, depending on authors);
- Cyprinodontidae, with 2 subfamilies: Cubanichthyinae and Cyprinodontinae (with the latter in 3 tribes, Aphaniini, Cyprinodontini and Orestiadini);
- Anablepsidae, with 3 subfamilies: Anablepsinae, viviparous, the monotypic Oxyzygonectinae, oviparous, and Jenynsiinae, viviparous;
- Poeciliidae, with 2 subfamilies: Poeciliinae viviparous (except the monotypic subtribe Tomeurina -or tribe as Tomeurini
, depending on authors-, oviparous) and Aplocheilichthyinae oviparous (in 3 tribes, Aplocheilichthyini and Procatopodini in the Old World and the monotypic Fluviphylacini in the New World).
These 10 families are also accepted in international data bases on all fishes, such as Eschmeyer's Catalog and Fishbase, to ensure coherence and universality. The lower levels depend more on authors : a consensus view is selected herein.


Detailed list by alphabetical order (except for nomino-typical subunits, listed first, and synonyms, listed by historical order)

LAST UPDATE: December 5. 2006

Beware, the automatic translator reverses scientific names : please use the English version to save this list.

Main reference : Huber, J.H. 2005c. A Review of Family-group names for oviparous Cyprinodontiformes (Pisces; Teleostei). British Killifish Ass. Publ., Separatum, (October): 16 pp., 1 tab.


Order Cyprinodontiformes Berg, 1940.
[Berg, L. S. 1940. The classification of fishes, both Recent and fossil. Trudy Zoologicheskogo lnstituta Akademiia nauk SSSR 5: 87-517]


Suborder Aplocheiloidei Bleeker, 1859.
[Bleeker, P. 1859. Enumeratio Specierum Piscium hucusque in Archipelage Indico Observatorum, adjectis Habitationibus Cattionibusque, ubi Descritiones earum recentiorus reperientur, nec non Specibus Musei Bleekeriani, bengalensibus, japonicis, capensibus, tasmanicisque. Act. Soc. Sc. Indo-Neerl., 6: i-xxxvi + 1-276.]


Family Aplocheilidae Bleeker, 1859.

* Genus Aplocheilus McClelland, 1839.
- Synonym : Odontopsis Hasselt, 1823 (nomen oblitum)
- Synonym : Haplochilus Agassiz, 1846 (emendation)
- Synonym : Panchax Valenciennes in Cuv. & Val., 1846
- Unavailable : Homalopsis Kuhl & Hasselt in Bleeker, 1852

* Genus Pachypanchax Myers, 1933.


Family Nothobranchiidae Garman, 1895.
[Garman, S. 1895. The cyprinodonts. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College 19 (1): 1-179, 12 plates.]


Subfamily Nothobranchiinae Garman, 1895.


Tribe Nothobranchiini Garman, 1895.


Subtribe Nothobranchiina Garman, 1895.

* Genus Nothobranchius Peters, 1868.

* Subgenus Nothobranchius s.s. Peters, 1868.

* Subgenus Adiniops Myers, 1924

* Subgenus Aphyobranchius Wildekamp, 1977

* Subgenus Paranothobranchius Seegers, 1985

* Subgenus Zononothobranchius Radda, 1969

* Genus Fundulosoma Ahl, 1924.

* Genus Pronothobranchius Radda, 1969.


Subtribe Aphyosemiina Huber, 2000.
[Huber, J.H. 2000. Killi-Data 2000. Updated checklist of taxonomic names, collecting localities and bibliographic references of oviparous Cyprinodont fishes (Cyprinodontiformes). Cybium, Soc. fr. Ichtyologie, Ed., Paris.: 538 pp., figs.]

* Genus Aphyosemion Myers, 1924.

* Subgenus Aphyosemion s.s. Myers, 1924.

* Subgenus Chromaphyosemion Radda, 1971

* Subgenus Diapteron Huber & Seegers, 1977

* Subgenus Kathetys Huber, 1977

* Subgenus Mesoaphyosemion Radda, 1977

* Subgenus Raddaella Huber, 1977

* Genus Episemion Radda & Pürzl, 1987.

* Genus Foerschichthys Scheel & Romand, 1981.

* Genus Fundulopanchax Myers, 1924.

* Subgenus Fundulopanchax s.s. Myers, 1924.

* Subgenus Gularopanchax Radda, 1977

* Subgenus Paludopanchax Radda, 1977

* Subgenus Paraphyosemion Radda, 1977

* Subgenus Pauciradius Wildekamp & Zee, 2005


Tribe Adamantini Huber, 2000.
[Huber, J.H. 2000. Killi-Data 2000. Updated checklist of taxonomic names, collecting localities and bibliographic references of oviparous Cyprinodont fishes (Cyprinodontiformes). Cybium, Soc. fr. Ichtyologie, Ed., Paris.: 538 pp., figs.]

* Genus Adamas Huber, 1979.


Subfamily Epiplateinae Huber, 2000.
[Huber, J.H. 2000. Killi-Data 2000. Updated checklist of taxonomic names, collecting localities and bibliographic references of oviparous Cyprinodont fishes (Cyprinodontiformes). Cybium, Soc. fr. Ichtyologie, Ed., Paris.: 538 pp., figs.]


Tribe Epiplateini Huber, 2000.

* Genus Epiplatys Gill, 1862.

* Subgenus Epiplatys s.s. Gill, 1862.

* Subgenus Lycocyprinus Peters, 1868

* Subgenus Parepiplatys Clausen, 1967

* Genus Aphyoplatys Clausen, 1967

* Genus Pseudepiplatys Clausen, 1967


Tribe Callopanchini Huber, 2000.
[Huber, J.H. 2000. Killi-Data 2000. Updated checklist of taxonomic names, collecting localities and bibliographic references of oviparous Cyprinodont fishes (Cyprinodontiformes). Cybium, Soc. fr. Ichtyologie, Ed., Paris.: 538 pp., figs.]

* Genus Callopanchax Myers, 1933.
- Synonym : Roloffia Clausen, 1966 (invalid)

* Genus Archiaphyosemion Radda, 1977.

* Genus Scriptaphyosemion Radda & Pürzl, 1987.



Family Rivulidae Myers, 1925.
[Myers, G. S. 1925. Results of some recent studies on the American killifishes. The Fish Culturist 4 (8): 370-371.]


Subfamily Rivulinae Myers, 1925.


Tribe Rivulini Myers, 1925.

* Genus Rivulus Poey, 1860.

* Subgenus Rivulus s.s. Poey, 1860.

* Subgenus Anablepsoides Huber, 1992

* Subgenus Benirivulus Costa, 2006

* Subgenus Cynodonichthys Meek, 1904

* Subgenus Laimosemion Huber, 1999

* Subgenus Melanorivulus Costa, 2006

* Subgenus Oditichthys Huber, 1999

* Subgenus Owiyeye Costa, 2006

* Subgenus Vomerivulus Fowler, 1944

* Genus Prorivulus Costa, 2004.


Tribe Neofundulini Costa, 1990.
[Costa, W.J.E.M. 1990. Classificaçao e Distribuçao da familia Rivulidae (Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheiloidei). Revta. Brasil Biol., 50 (1): 83-89, figs.]


Subtribe Neofundulina Costa, 1990.

* Genus Neofundulus Myers, 1924.

* Genus Trigonectes Myers, 1925.
- Synonym : Rivulichthys Myers, 1927


Subtribe Aphyolebiina Costa, 1998.
[Costa, W. J. E. M. 1998, Phylogeny and classification of Rivulidae revisited: Origin and evolution of annualism and miniaturization in rivulid fishes (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheiloidei), J. Comp. Biol., Vol. 3 (1): 33-92.]

* Genus Aphyolebias Costa, 1998.


Subtribe Moemina Costa, 1998.
[Costa, W. J. E. M. 1998, Phylogeny and classification of Rivulidae revisited: Origin and evolution of annualism and miniaturization in rivulid fishes (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheiloidei), J. Comp. Biol., Vol. 3 (1): 33-92.]

* Genus Moema Costa, 1989.

* Genus Micromoema Costa, 1998.

* Genus Renova Thomerson & Taphom, 1995.


Subtribe Pterolebiina Costa, 1990.
[Costa, W.J.E.M. 1990. Classificaçao e Distribuçao da familia Rivulidae (Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheiloidei). Revta. Brasil Biol., 50 (1): 83-89, figs.]

* Genus Pterolebias Garman, 1895.

* Genus Gnatholebias Costa, 1998.


Tribe Rachoviini Costa, 1990.
[Costa, W.J.E.M. 1990. Classificaçao e Distribuçao da familia Rivulidae (Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheiloidei). Revta. Brasil Biol., 50 (1): 83-89, figs.]


Subtribe Rachoviina Costa, 1990.
- Synonym : Terranatina Costa, 1990.
[Costa, W.J.E.M. 1990. Classificaçao e Distribuçao da familia Rivulidae (Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheiloidei). Revta. Brasil Biol., 50 (1): 83-89, figs.]

* Genus Rachovia Myers, 1927.

* Genus Austrofundulus Myers, 1932.

* Genus Terranatos Taphorn & Thomerson, 1978.


Subtribe Millerichthyina Costa, 1998.
[Costa, W. J. E. M. 1998, Phylogeny and classification of Rivulidae revisited: Origin and evolution of annualism and miniaturization in rivulid fishes (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheiloidei), J. Comp. Biol., Vol. 3 (1): 33-92.]

* Genus Millerichthys Costa, 1995.


Subtribe Plesiolebiina Costa, 1990.
[Costa, W.J.E.M. 1990. Classificaçao e Distribuçao da familia Rivulidae (Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheiloidei). Revta. Brasil Biol., 50 (1): 83-89, figs.]

* Genus Plesiolebias Costa, 1989.

* Genus Maratecoara Costa, 1995.

* Genus Papiliolebias Costa, 1998.

* Genus Pituna Costa, 1989.

* Genus Stenolebias Costa, 1995.


Subfamily Cynolebiinae Hoedeman, 1961.
[Hoedeman, J. J. 1961. Studies on cyprinodontiform fishes. Preliminary key to the species and subspecies of the genus Rivulus. Bulletin of Aquatic Biology, 2 (18): 65-74, fig.]


Tribe Cynolebiini Hoedeman, 1961.


Subtribe Cynolebiina Hoedeman, 1961.

* Genus Cynolebias Steindachner, 1876.

* Genus Austrolebias Costa, 1998.
- Synonym : Megalebias Costa, 1998.


Subtribe Simpsonichthyina Costa, 1998.
[Costa, W. J. E. M. 1998, Phylogeny and classification of Rivulidae revisited: Origin and evolution of annualism and miniaturization in rivulid fishes (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheiloidei), J. Comp. Biol., Vol. 3 (1): 33-92.]
- Synonym : Spectrolebiina Costa, 1998.
[Costa, W. J. E. M. 1998, Phylogeny and classification of Rivulidae revisited: Origin and evolution of annualism and miniaturization in rivulid fishes (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheiloidei), J. Comp. Biol., Vol. 3 (1): 33-92.]

* Genus Simpsonichthys Carvalho, 1959.

* Subgenus Simpsonichthys s.s. Carvalho, 1959.

* Subgenus Hypsolebias Costa, 2006

* Subgenus Ophthalmolebias Costa, 2006

* Subgenus Spectrolebias Costa & Nielsen, 1997

* Subgenus Xenurolebias Costa, 2006

* Genus Nematolebias Costa, 1998.


Tribe Cynopoecilini Costa, 1990.
[Costa, W.J.E.M. 1990. Classificaçao e Distribuçao da familia Rivulidae (Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheiloidei). Revta. Brasil Biol., 50 (1): 83-89, figs.]


Subtribe Cynopoecilina Costa, 1990.

* Genus Cynopoecilus Regan, 1912.

* Genus Campellolebias Vaz-Ferreira & Sierra, 1974.


Subtribe Leptolebiina Costa, 1998.
[Costa, W. J. E. M. 1998, Phylogeny and classification of Rivulidae revisited: Origin and evolution of annualism and miniaturization in rivulid fishes (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheiloidei), J. Comp. Biol., Vol. 3 (1): 33-92.]

* Genus Leptolebias Myers, 1952.


Subfamily Kryptolebiinae Costa, 2004.
[Costa, W.J.E.M. 2004. Kryptolebias, a Substitute Name for Cryptolebias Costa, 2004 and Kryptolebiatinae, a Substitute Name for Cryptolebiatinae Costa, 2004 (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae). Neotropical Ichthyology, 2 (2): 107-108.]
- Nom. preoc. : Cryptolebiinae Costa, 2004.
[Costa, W.J.E.M. 2004. Relationships and Redescription of Fundulus brasiliensis (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae), with Description of a new Genus and Notes on the Classification of the Aplocheiloidei. Ichthyol. ExpIor. Freshwaters, 15 (2), 105-120, 10 figs., 3 tabs.]

* Genus Kryptolebias Costa, 2004.
- Synonym : Cryptolebias Costa, 2004 (preoccupied)



Suborder Cyprinodontoidei Wagner, 1828.
[Wagner, R. 1828. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Gattung Lebias Cuvier und der verwandten Gattungen, nebst Beschreibung zweier neuen in Sardinien entdeckten Arten. Isis (Oken), 21: 1050-1057.]


Superfamily Funduloidea Günther, 1866. (Footnote 1)
[Günther, A. 1866. Catalog of Fishes in the British Museum. British Museum, London, 6: 368 pp.]


Family Fundulidae Günther, 1866.
- Nom. oblitum : Hydrargiridae Gill, 1861 (Footnote 2)
[Gill, T. 1861. Catalog of the Fishes of the eastern Coast of North America from Greenland to Georgia. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 13 (1860) (supplement): 1-63.]

* Genus Fundulus Lacepède, 1803.

* Subgenus Fundulus s.s. Lacepède, 1803.
- Synonym : Hydrargira Lacepède, 1803
- Synonym : Borborys Goode & Bean, 1885

* Subgenus Fontinus Jordan & Evermann, 1896
- Synonym : Galasaccus Fowler, 1916

* Subgenus Plancterus Garman, 1895

* Subgenus Xenisma Jordan in Jordan & Copeland, 1877
- Synonym : Gambusinus Jordan & Evermann, 1896

* Subgenus Zygonectes Agassiz, 1854
- Synonym : Micristius Gill, 1865

* Genus Adinia Girard, 1859.

* Genus Leptolucania Myers, 1924.

* Genus Lucania Girard, 1859.
- Synonym : Chriopeops Fowler, 1916


Family Profundulidae Hoedeman & Bronner, 1951.
[Hoedeman, J.J. & F.J. Bronner. 1951. De orde van de Tandkarpertjes, Cyprinodontiformes Berg, 1940. Deel VI. Het Aquarium (The Netherlands) 22 (1): 6-10, figs.]

* Genus Profundulus Hubbs, 1924.

* Subgenus Profundulus s.s. Hubbs, 1924.

* Subgenus Tlaloc Alvarez & Carranza, 1951


Family Goodeidae Jordan & Gilbert, 1883. [viviparous, in part]
[Jordan, D. S. and C. H. Gilbert. 1883. A synopsis of the fishes of North America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 16: 1-1018.]


Subfamily Empetrichthyinae Jordan, Evermann, & Clark, 1930.
[Jordan, D.S., B.W. Evermann & H.W. Clark. 1930. Checklist of the Fishes and Fish-like Vertebrates of North and Middle America north of the Northern boundary of Venezuela and Colombia. U.S. Comm. of Fish. Rept. for 1928, Part 2, App. 10: 670pp.]

* Genus Empetrichthys Gilbert, 1893.

* Genus Crenichthys Hubbs, 1932.


Superfamily Valencioidea Parenti, 1981. (Footnote 4)
[Parenti, L. R. 1981. A phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of cyprinodontiform fishes (Teleostei, Atherinomorpha). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 168 (4): 335-557, 99 figs., 3 tabs, maps.]


Family Valenciidae Parenti, 1981.

* Genus Valencia Myers, 1928.


Superfamily Cyprinodontoidea Wagner, 1828.


Family Cyprinodontidae Wagner, 1828.


Subfamily Cyprinodontinae Wagner, 1828.


Tribe Cyprinodontini Wagner, 1828.

* Genus Cyprinodon Lacepède, 1803.
- Synonym : Prinodon Rafinesque, 1815 (emendation)
- Synonym : Lebias Cuvier, 1816 (invalid)
- Synonym : Encrates Gistel, 1848
- Synonym : Trifarcius Poey, 1860

* Genus Cualac Miller, 1956.

* Genus Floridichthys Hubbs, 1926.

* Genus Garmanella Hubbs, 1936.

* Genus Jordanella Goode & Bean, 1879.

* Genus Megupsilon Miller & Walters, 1972.


Tribe Aphaniini Hoedeman, 1949.
[Hoedeman, J.J. 1949. Family Cyprinodontidae, In: Hoedeman, J.J. & J.C.M. de Jong, Eds. 1947 - 1958. Encyclopaedie voor den aquariumhouder, De Regenboog, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, looseleaf edition, 56 parts.]
- Nom. oblitum : Telliini Bleeker, 1864. (Footnote 2)
[Bleeker, P. 1864. Atlas ichthyologique des Indes Orientales Néerlandaises, publié sous les Auspices du Gouvernement Néerlandais III. Cyprins. Frederic Muller, Amsterdam, (1863): 1-150, 43 pls.]

* Genus Aphanius Nardo, 1827.

* Subgenus Aphanius s.s. Nardo, 1827.
- Synonym : Micromugil Gulia, 1861
- Synonym : Aphaniops Hoedeman, 1951

* Subgenus Anatolichthys Kosswig & Sözer, 1945.
- Synonym : Turkichthys Ermin, 1946

* Subgenus Kosswigichthys Sözer, 1942.

* Subgenus Tellia Gervais, 1853.


Tribe Orestiadini Bleeker, 1859.
[Bleeker, P. 1859. Enumeratio Specierum Piscium hucusque in Archipelage Indico Observatorum, adjectis Habitationibus Cattionibusque, ubi Descritiones earum recentiorus reperientur, nec non Specibus Musei Bleekeriani, bengalensibus, japonicis, capensibus, tasmanicisque. Act. Soc. Sc. Indo-Neerl., 6: i-xxxvi + 1-276.]

* Genus Orestias Valenviennes, 1839.
- Unavailable : Protorestias Eigenmann & Allen, 1942


Subfamily Cubanichthyinae Parenti, 1981.
[Parenti, L. R. 1981. A phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of cyprinodontiform fishes (Teleostei, Atherinomorpha). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 168 (4): 335-557, 99 figs., 3 tabs, maps.]

* Genus Cubanichthys Hubbs, 1926.

* Genus Chriopeoides Fowler, 1939. (Footnote 5)


Family Anablepsidae Bonaparte, 1831. [viviparous, in part]
[Bonaparte, C.L. Princ. 1831. Animali vertebrati. Prospetto del Sistema Generale d'Ittiologia, Tavola Metodica. Roma. Presso Antonio Boulzaler, vol. 52, 89-123; 155-189.]


Subfamily Anablepsinae Bonaparte, 1831. [viviparous]


Subfamily Oxyzygonectinae Parenti, 1981.
[Parenti, L. R. 1981. A phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of cyprinodontiform fishes (Teleostei, Atherinomorpha). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 168 (4): 335-557, 99 figs., 3 tabs, maps.]

* Genus Oxyzygonectes Fowler, 1916.


Family Poeciliidae Bonaparte, 1831. [viviparous, in part]
[Bonaparte, C.L. Princ.1831. Animali vertebrati. Prospetto del Sistema Generale d'Ittiologia, Tavola Metodica. Roma. Presso Antonio Boulzaler, vol. 52, 89-123; 155-189.]


Subfamily Poeciliinae Bonaparte, 1831. [viviparous, in part]


Tribe Cnesterodontini Hubbs, 1924. [viviparous, in part]
[Hubbs, C.L. 1924. Studies of the Fishes of the Order Cyprinodontes. Misc. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, 13: 31 pp., 4 pls., tabs.]


Subtribe Tomeurina Eigenmann, 1912. (Footnote 3)
[Eigenmann, C. H. 1912 The freshwater fishes of British Guiana, including a study of the ecological grouping of species, and the relation of the fauna of the plateau to that of the lowlands. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, 5 (1): i-xxii + 1-578p, pls. 1-103]

* Genus Tomeurus Eigenmann, 1909.


Subfamily Aplocheilichthyinae Myers, 1928.
[Myers, G. S. 1928. Two new genera of fishes. Copeia 1928 (166): 7-8.]

Tribe Aplocheilichthyini Myers, 1928.

* Genus Aplocheilichthys Bleeker, 1862.
- Synonym : Haplochilichthys Garman, 1895 (emendation)


Tribe Procatopodini Fowler, 1916
[Fowler, H.W. 1916. Notes on Fishes of the Orders Haplomi and Microcyprini. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 68: 415-439.]


Subtribe Procatopodina Fowler, 1916.
- Synonym : Lamprichthyina Fowler, 1916.
[Fowler, H.W. 1916. Notes on Fishes of the Orders Haplomi and Microcyprini. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 68: 415-439.]
- Synonym : Pantanodontina Myers, 1955.
[Myers, G.S. 1955. Notes on the Classification and Names of Cyprinodont Fishes. Tropical Fish Magazine, 4 (4): 7.]

* Genus style=

* Genus Hylopanchax Poll & Lambert, 1965.

* Genus Hypsopanchax Myers, 1924.

* Genus Lamprichthys Regan, 1911.
- Synonym : Mohanga Boulenger, 1911

* Genus Pantanodon Myers, 1955.

* Genus Plataplochilus Ahl, 1928.

* Genus Platypanchax Ahl, 1928.

* Genus Rhexipanchax Huber, 1999.


Subtribe Micropanchina Huber, 2000.
[Huber, J.H. 2000. Killi-Data 2000. Updated checklist of taxonomic names, collecting localities and bibliographic references of oviparous Cyprinodont fishes (Cyprinodontiformes). Cybium, Soc. fr. Ichtyologie, Ed., Paris.: 538 pp., figs.]

* Genus Micropanchax Myers, 1924.

* Genus Laciris Huber, 1981.

* Genus Lacustricola Myers, 1924.

* Subgenus Lacustricola s.s. Myers, 1924.

* Subgenus Cynopanchax Ahl, 1928

* Genus Poropanchax Clausen, 1967.

* Subgenus Poropanchax s.s. Clausen, 1967.

* Subgenus Congopanchax Poll, 1971


Tribe Fluviphylacini Roberts, 1970.
[Roberts, T. R. 1970. Description, osteology and relationships of the Amazonian cyprinodont fish Fluviphylax pygmaeus (Myers and Carvalho). Breviora (347): 28 pp., 13 figs.]

* Genus Fluviphylax Whitley, 1965.
- Synonym : Potamophylax Myers & Carvalho in Myers, 1955 (preoccupied name)


Footnote 1 : Laan (pers. comm, November 7. 2005) has demonstrated Günther's priority over Jordan & Gilbert [Jordan, D. S. and C. H. Gilbert. 1883. A synopsis of the fishes of North America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 16: 1-1018]

Footnote 2 : nomen oblitum is according to new concept in ICZN code (1999), valid from January 1. 2000 (following Huber, 2005).

Footnote 3 : Lucinda & Reis (2005), using the same type of characters (osteology and morphology), place the genus Tomeurus as the most primitive taxon among Poeciliinae and in a separate tribe, whereas Ghedotti (2000) placed it very derived and closest to the southern genus Cnesterodon, as a subtribe within Cnesterodontini.

Footnote 4 : according to preliminary recent fossil evidence, Valencia could be more related to Aphanius, hence the family status might be discontinued in the future

Footnote 5 : validity based on unpublished molecular evidence.

Copyright 2022
Richard J. Sexton