BKA 2003 Show Results

BKA 2003 Show Results

Other BKA show results: 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007

Lot No.	Genus/Species	Vendor	Group	Pts.	Place
Class 1	Aphanius and "New World" Killifish not included elsewhere
110	Aphanius sophiae Persepolis 	                Bob Gunn	        BKA	9	1st Place
106	Cyprinodon alvarezi El Potosi, MFH PS 90/1 	Jose Luis Barles	SEK	9	2nd Place
105	Cyprinodon alvarezi El Potosi MFH PS 90/1 	Jose Luis Barles	SEK	9	3rd Place

Class 2	South American Annuals
213	Simpsonichthys papilliferus Inoa 	Alberto Reis	APK	9	1st Place	Best in show
215	Maratecoara formosa Formoso 	        Alberto Reis	APK	8	2nd Place
206	Simpsonichthys picturatus 	        Ian Sainthouse	BKA	8	3rd Place

Class 3	Rivulus
307	Rivulus agile Riviere d'Hervieux GML 96/01 	 Alberto Reis	        APK	9	1st Place
309	Rivulus igneus Fourgassier GMC 00/9 - F1 	 Jose Ramon Garcia	KT	9	2nd Place
301	Rivulus magdalenae 	                         P. Riley	        BKA	9	3rd Place

Class 4	Nothobranchius, Fundulosoma and Pronothobranchius
403	Nothobranchius rachovii 	                Hoetmer	KFN	        9	1st Place
415	Nothobranchius rachovii 	                Bob Gunn	BKA	9	2nd Place
406	Nothobranchius luekei TAN 00/23 Mbezi river 	Ian Sainthouse	BKA	8	3rd Place

Class 5	Epiplatys, Aplocheilus, lampeyes and "Old World" Killifish not included elsewhere
502	Aplocheilus kirchmayeri Goa 91 	        Jesper Thorup	SKS	9	1st Place
504	Aphyoplatys duboisi 	                B. Drake	BKA	9	2nd Place
524	Epiplatys infrafasciatus Bissiang 	Roger Gladwell	BKA	8	3rd Place

Class 6	Fundulopanchax, Raddaella and Callopanchax
601	Callopanchax spec Guinea 	                Hoetmer	KFN	                9	1st Place
602	Scriptaphyosemion bertholdi Heghe Curoh 	Hoetmer	KFN	                8	2nd Place
607	Scriptaphyosemion schmitti "Juarzon" 	        Juan Carlos Rubio	KT	8	3rd Place

Class 7	Mesoaphyosemion - except the Calliurum group
721	Fundulopanchax gardneri P82 	Roger Gladwell	BKA	9	1st Place
714	Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi 	Jim Warner	BKA	9	2nd Place
713	Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi 	Stan Langdon	BKA	9	3rd Place

Class 8	Small Aphyosemion (not in Group 7), Scriptaphyosemion, and Archiaphyosemion
840	Aphyosemion lugens Afan Essokie HLM99/28 	Tom Soper	BKA	9	1st Place
804	Aphyosemion hera Bengui 1-2 GJS00/29 	        K. Wilbraham	BKA	9	2nd Place
831	Aphyosemion bivittatum Funge 	                Stan Langdon	BKA	9	3rd Place

Class 10	Breeders - Bottom spawners
1007	Nothobranchius rachovii "aquarium strain" 	Juan Carlos Rubio	KT	9	1st Place
1002	Fundulopanchax sjoestedti blue 	                Francisco Manzano	SEK	9	2nd Place
1006	Austrolebias affinis 'Durazno' 	                Alberto Reis	        APK	9	3rd Place

Class 11	Breeders - Top spawners
1101	Chromaphyosemion poliaki Mile 29 HLM99/15 	B. Drake	        BKA	8	1st Place
1103	Aphanius mento 	                                Francisco Manzano	SEK	8	2nd Place
1104	Aphyosemion bivittatum red TAAG 2000 	        Stan Langdon	        BKA	8	3rd Place

Full results available at http://www.bka.org.uk/BKA%202006%20convention%20show%20results.pdf.

Copyright 2022
Richard J. Sexton