Class 1. North American Donator Points Sold for
101 Aph. sophiae Persepolis Anita Persson SKS 8 1st 6.5
102 Aph. sophiae Persepolis Anita Persson SKS 8 2nd 5
103 Aph. iberus Peniscola Thorup SKS 7 3rd 6.5
Class 2 South American Annuals
201 Renova osceri Gunn BKA 9 1st 12
202 Simp. perpendicularis Gaasenbeek KFN 8 2nd 2
206 Mar. formosa Formoso Reis APK 8 3rd 20
Class 3 Rivulus
302 Riv. tenuis Papaloapam Suijker KFN 8 1st 2
305 Riv. tenuis Villahermosa Soper BKA 7 2nd 4.2
303 Riv. rubripunctatus Suijker KFN 7 3rd 5
Class 4 Nothobranchius, Fundulosoma and Pronothobranchius
411 N. ugandensis Butiaba 3KM Reis APK 9 1st 5.5
405 Prono. kiyawensis Sainthouse BKA 9 3rd 4
Class 5 Epiplatys, Aplocheilus, lampeyes and "Old World" Killifish not included
508 Ep. annulatus Conakry Hoetmer KFN 9 1st 7
504 Apl. lineatus Brooks BKA 9 2nd 3.2
503 Apl. lineatus gold Brooks BKA 8 3rd 2.6
Class 6 Fundulopanchax, Raddaella and Callopanchax
603 Scr. geryi Abuko Drake BKA 9 1st 10
602 Scr. brueningi PerieSL89 Bangsmark SKS 9 2nd 2.6
606 Cal. sp. Guinea Hoetmer KFN 8 3rd 7.5
Class 7 Mesoaphyosemion - except the Calliurum group
703 Fp. gardneri Misaje Anita Persson SKS 9 1st 6
708 Fp. spoorenbergi Langdon BKA 8 2nd 2
702 Fp. amieti C89/31 Anita Persson SKS 8 3rd 2.6
Class 8 Small Aphyosemion (not in Group 7), Scriptaphyosemion, and Archiaphyosemion
818 Chrom. splendopleure Suijker KFN 9 1st 3.6
825 Chrom. bivittatum Funge Gladwell BKA 9 2nd 5
817 A. exigoideum BBW00/02 Wilbraham BKA 9 3rd 13
Class 9 All others
906 Proc. aberrans Hoetmer KFN 8 1st 5.5
905 Ory. celebensis Langdon BKA 7 3rd 2
Class 10 Breeders - Bottom spawners
1001 Scr. schmitti Juarzon Hoetmer KFN 8 1st 16
1002 F. lineolatus Faint BKA 8 2nd 5
Class 11 Breeders - Top spawners
1104 Austrol. affinis Durazno Reis APK 9 1st 21
1102 Austrol. affinis Durazon Reis APK 9 2nd 16
1103 N. ugandensis Butiaba UGJ99/13 Reis APK 8 3rd 19
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