Redouane Tahri in the Algerian desert.
SAO found alive
Redouane Tahri
Discovery of extinct fish in the Algeria desert on 13/07/2019

Research of more than ten years. Where I lost hope to find this rare fish in many oases and oceans, even in shallow water. It has not been seen anywhere else in the world, especially in the Algerian desert only.
But in one of my exits to a desert that was not stepped on by humans, I was surprised by the existence of a valley with eyes in the middle of the sand. My old dream (the extinct fish) came to me in the valley, with algae that takes years to grow which is confirmed that it has not dried up maybe hundreds of years ago, so I began to search eagerly and crazily, and it was the shock ... It's an extinct Sauransis swimming before my eyes... She still lives here . The other day, I went back with the camera equipment to bring you these first pictures of the Algerian saourensis Apricaphanius "saourensis" After all this effort, will it disappear forever or will it be protected and returned to its original home, Wad Al-Sawraa (Algeria).