MAE was described by Poll in 1941 with material from Maseď River at confluence with Bon de Boan River, Nuon River system, Ivory Coast. A collection of a small number of fish was examined and Poll found them all to be E. olbrechtis, with one small one diferent enough that he placed it in Aphyosemion as A. measeni. In 2009 Sonnerberg and Busch exmained the type specimen and to them it appeared after analysis of this small possibly damages specimen that it weas an Epiplatys and not an Aphyosemion, and created the genus for the "green Roloffias" in this species group as Nimbapanchax, and crated the name xxx to replace measeni, and described a described a new species of nimbapanchax.

in 2019 Romand and Coasta exmains alarge number of individsuals os MAE and conclused they were different from any known epiplatys and were in face a new genera of group of fish that resembler bith Roloffia and Epoiplatys, howwvewer since rthe MAE holotype was in fact not an Epiplatys then there weas no need of tghe new name and after further examinatuion no diference could be found between mae and the newly described xxx so both are now synonyms for Nimbapanchas maeseni.


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Copyright 2022
Richard J. Sexton