Unknown Aphyosemion Species


Cameronense 4


Ingolo Iwayi Stream

Aphyosemion aff. cognatum 'Kinsuka' 2014 by Serge Mevellec

Aphyosemion sp. 'Kinsuka'.

This fish looks for all the world like Aphy. elegans because of the barring on the flanks, but the ice blue in the caudal and dorsal fins says it's cognatum. It was collected in April 2014 by Serge Mevellec in the Punda river, near the town of Kinsuka in the Kinshasa region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2017 Russel Tate found the same fish in a small creek in the Momboyo drainage in Central Congo.

Russell Tate 2017 specimen


Aphyosemion sp. Lobaye

It is either an undescribed species or decorsei. Nobody ever collected near the type locality of decorsei in th Central African Republic. A similar yellow fish is widespread in southern CAR and northern Congo. This one is from Bombala along the Oubanghui River - JVDZ


A. sp Makanje Plantation ABK 2007 146


Aphyosemion sp. "assemb-Loubaki RC 2016/23


DNA analysis shows this to be different from A. australe although it looks the same. If it however much much larger. Males are 10cm (around four inches).


Elegens group.