"cameronense is not the closest relative of the elegans group. It was used as "outgroup" as could have been any other fish. However Based on DNA Aphyosemion is divided in 2 large groups. cameronense and elegans are in the same group, together with coeleste etc. The other group contains more coastal species." - Jouke van der Zee, 2014 pers. comms.

There's a list of cameronense populations


Campo Maan


Moyo Nyaka


aff. CAM, Phenotype I. CGE 91/12.


aff CAM, Phenotype VI. CGE 93/22.


collected in 2014 from the river Avo'o around the village Nkol Mbwa, toward Ebolowa road, Nyong River system. Imported by Rehoboth Aquatics into the USA.


Formerly A. haasi later changed to A. cameronense haasi now just A. cameronense. This fish never made it into the hobby.

Found "... from a hill stream about 27 km NW of Zomoko; Amvene tributary north of Lalara, north Gabon."