Cryptocoryne usteriana

Cryptocoryne usteriana Engler

Now here's a plant with a history. Described by Engler in 1920, it was confused with APO for decades until it was determined they were separate species. To make matters more confusing, the plant has four forms, some of which tend to look a bit like APO. Furthermore there is a fairly recently described species, C. coronata that looks like UST but has a flower like APO. All these three species are found the Philippine islands, where the only other crypt (so far) is PYG.

coll. hort., cult. Kovalev

In the 1990's there was a report from Russia on a new giant, broad leafed C. usteriana. It was said that the plant originates from Wladiwostok, where it was brought by a sailor (from Vietnam??). The leaves are bright green on both sides (up to 10 cm wide), the limb of the spathe bright yellow. Thanks to Alexei Bednii, we cultivate this plant in the Netherlands. Under equal conditions, this plant may develop a partly reddish lower side of the leaves." - Jan Bastimeijr


In 1983, Josef Bogner from Botanical Gardens Munich, collected a tiny plant on the Guimaras isle (Philippines). Bogner collected this plant (only 5 cm!) on Guimaras in 1983 (Bogner 1644) and he was in doubt if he had collected C. pygmaea

coll. hort. cult, NJ 2116

"In 1994, Claus Christensen (Tropica, Denmark) got a new Cryptocoryne usteriana from the Philippines. 'It was said' the plant was collected in or near Cebu. In cultivation the plant is less bullate and may develop brownish leaves with a more or less red lower side." - Jan Bastimeijr

This picture is made at his plant farm in Luzon - JB
emersed flower
submersed wild

"Inspired by the reports on the Bogner plant, Morco found another 'C. usteriana' in Guimaras. This one has the upper side of the leaves dark green/bronze/brown colored with mostly a deep red lower side. ." - Jan Bastimeijr

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Richard J. Sexton