Cryptocoryne cordata cordata
Cryptocoryne cordata cordata Griffith
Locations in Peninsular Malaysia

flower submerse

Aquarium / Unknown strains

Cryptocoryne cordata cordata Kelantin

Cryptocoryne cordata 'Kelantin'

Cryptocoryne cordata cordata (Griffith) from Melaka, West Malaysia..

Cryptocoryne cordata 'Melaka'

Images of Cryptocoryne cordata cordata from Melaka in Peninsular Malaysia.

Cryptocoryne cordata cordata (Griffith) from Mersing.

Cryptocoryne cordata 'Mersing'

Images of Cryptocoryne cordata cordata from Mersing in Peninsular Malaysia.


Cryptocoryne cordata cordata (Griffith) from the  Pahang peat swamp forest

Cryptocoryne cordata 'Pahang'

Images of Cryptocoryne cordata cordata from the Pahang peat forest in south-west Peninsular Malaysia.


Panti, Malay Peninsula.

"Labeled as C. schulzei from Panti, Malay Peninsula. Turned out to be C. cordata var. cordata with very bright and light yellow limb" - Suwidji Wongso, 2018


Tasek ("lake") Bera in Penninsular Malaysia is the home to a rather infamous plant: Cryptocoryne Xpurpurae var. purpurae ("PUR") which turned out to be a natural hybrid of C. griffithi and C. cordata cordata.

This then is a plant, clearly C. cordata except or one thing: the long tail on the flower. C. griffithi does not have this... so where did the tail on the flower come from? PUR? Or some other species?

It's not impossible that this cross could happen all the time but does not always manifest as the PUR phenotype. Perhaps some large number of these hybrids do not grow at all while others show only very minor difference from the parent plants.

Cryptocoryne cordata cordata

Copyright 2022
Richard J. Sexton