Cryptocoryne cordata Griffith
Cryptocoryne cordata cordata

C. cordata was redefined in 2010; Karyotype: n=34

Jan Bastimeijer and Joseph Bogner redescribed C. cordata and using karyotype (= number of chromosomes) evidence and have made a significant and sensible reclassification; there are still forms that have not undergone expensive DNA analysis yet and almost certainly more forms of this highly variable plant are yet still to be found. The first two decades of the 20th century saw an explision of COR morphtypes. Just to give you an idea of the numebers involved there were maybe a dozen species of Crypts at most while as of this writing (2019) there are about seventy different known locations of COR many of which look rather different; some live only in rainwater and rotting leaves, others live in hard water. Some are a couple of inches others are over two feet tall.

But, their 2012 reclassification goes like this:

aq Kelantin Kota_Tingga Kuantan
Lata_Belatan Melaka Mersing NJM Pahang Panti Rompin Sg_Mawar Tasek_Bera varigated

cordata cordata

Peninsular Malaysia is the rage of C. cordata cordata

Cryptocoryne cordata  Griffith var. cordata
Krabi Sg_Kolok
Sg_Skapitani aq

cordata cordata

Cryptpcoryne cordata cordata occurring in Thailand was formerly known as C. kerri and C. siamensis kerri.

Note "Sg" is an abbreviation of "Sungai" which means "River".

Historic relics pertaining to C. cordata
refs relics

Historical Images

References and historical images of Cryptocoryne cordata

Cryptocoryne cordata cordata

Copyright 2022
Richard J. Sexton