Cryptocoryne bastmeijeri

Cryptocoryne bastmeijeri Wongso, sp. nov. — Fig. 2–4. Holotype: Indonesia, W Kalimantan, Schwaner mountains, Ketapang Regency, S of Sekadau, 22 Sep 2015, S. Wongso SW 1567 (BO; isotypes: C, L). DiagnosisCryptocoryne bastmeijeri differs from C. auriculata and C. isae by having up to 40 spreading green leaves, with a triangular-ovate blade, and by the short spathe limb. Its chromosome number of 2n = 14 has hitherto not been recorded for Cryptocoryne.

Description — Aquatic to amphibious herbs, c. 10 cm tall. Rhizome thick, notched, with only a few thin stolons. Leaves 20–40 together in a rosette, spreading ± horizontally from upright petiole, 5–15 cm long; blade dark green, lighter green to purplish abaxially, triangular-ovate, 2-3 × 3-5 cm, smooth. Cataphylls whitish, c. 1.5 cm long 2-keeled, usually situated below soil surface. Peduncle 2–3 cm long. Spathe whitish outside in proximal part, distal ⅓ purplish; kettle cylindric, to 1 cm long, white inside, flap light yellowish; tube c. 0.75 cm long, white inside; limb purple to reddish, ovate, shortly pointed, forward obliquely twisted, to 1.5 cm long, surface with a few rounded protuberances, with an indistinct, darker collar, sometimes with a white line running distally from collar as a result of a folding of limb in young stage, red colour continuing in a more intensive hue a few mm into tube. Spadix c. 1 cm long, with usually 5 whitish female flowers with broadly ellipsoid to emarginate stigmas sometimes with a slight purplish tinge along margin; olfactory bodies yellow, irregular; male flowers 25–30, whitish yellowish. Syncarp on an up to 3 cm long peduncle, brownish purplish, lighter spotted, broadly ovoid, c. 1 cm wide, smooth, persistent stigmas clearly visible. Seeds with germinating embryo emerging c. ⅓ from distal end with c. 5 plumulary processes.

Chromosome number — 2n = 14, reported here for SW 1567.

Distribution — As far as known endemic to W Kalimantan, Schwaner mountains, SW of Sintang, where it has been observed in one locality additional to the type locality.

Ecology — The type specimen was collected in a swamp forest streamlet with clear, slow-running water, with the leaves spreading over the mud and sand. Altitude range 175–200 m.

Eponymy — Named after Jan D. Bastmeijer, of Emmen, The Netherlands, who has for decades meticulously gathered information on Cryptocoryne, and most importantly disseminates this information on his website (Bastmeijer 2017), thereby establishing contacts between enthusiasts worldwide.

Copyright 2022
Richard J. Sexton