Cryptocoryne aura

Abdul Sahal published these photos of an unidentified Crypt in December 2014.

This plant lacks the purple in the flower characteristic of DID, but it does have the red spotting on the leaves that give them a red to purple appearance on a macro level. Since no other Crypt has red leaves it was safe to assume it's the same plant DeWit described and that Jacobsen and Bogner conferred to DID, specifically the 85-26 form. For a short while this explanation sufficed

But it was not safe to assume that at all. Upon closer examination it turned out to be a new species. C. aura.



A new species, Cryptocoryne aura Wongso & Ipor, from West Kalimantan, Indonesia, is described and illustrated. It differs from other Cryptocoryne species primarily by having a transparent, ciliate membrane along the leaf margin and a short spathe with a yellow, forward-twisted limb. It has a chromosome number of 2n = 26, which has not hitherto been recorded within the genus. The morphology of the germinating seed is unique within the genus, the embryo emerging c. ⅓ from the distal end of the seed with 3(or 4) plumulary processes (prophylls).

Citation: Wongso S., Ipor I. B., Tawan C. S., Budianto H., Bastmeijer J. D. & Jacobsen N. 2016: Cryptocoryne aura (Araceae), a new species from West Kalimantan, Indonesia. — Willdenowia 46: 275–282. doi:

Cryptocoryne aura (Araceae), a new species from West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Copyright 2022
Richard J. Sexton