Cryptocoryne crispatula var. flaccidifolia - The narrow leaved Cryptocoryne of Mainland Asia, Jacobsen, 1991

Aqua-Planta 16(1): 1-33, 1991

The narrow leaved Cryptocoryne of Mainland Asia

Niels Jacobsen

C. crispatula Engl. var. flaccidifolia Jacobsen, nov. var.

Folia 20 - 50 cm longa, 0.7 - 1.2 cm lata, plerumque submersa (?), flaccida, viridia vel rubro-fuscida, plana vel paulum undulata. Tubus spathae (15-) 20 - 30 cm longus; limbus helice aperta satis longa terminatus

Holotypus die 17 Februarii anni 1929 prope vicum thailandicum Kampong Takua Pa [Mistake: should be Kapong, Takua Pa] sub numero 17126 ab A. Kerr lectus, siccus in Herbario Silvario urbis Bangkok (BKF) sub numero 24260 depositus, isotypis ibidem ut in Herbario Kewensi (K) et Herbario Parisiensi (P).

Leaves 20 - 50 cm long, 0.4 - 1.2 cm broad, usually submerged (?), flaccid, green to red-brownish, smooth or somewhat undulate (Fig. 7 E, 30). Spathe with a long tube, (15-) 20 - 30 cm long, limb of the spathe with a rather long, open spiral.

Notes: Var. flaccidifolia has long, narrow, flaccid, and smooth or slightly undulate leaves and apparently grows submerged. It is more broad-leaved than var. tonkinensis but narrower than var. balansae. Var. flaccidifolia is found in India, northern Vietnam, and northern and southern Thailand.

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Richard J. Sexton