Aqua-Planta 16(1): 1-33, 1991

The narrow leaved Cryptocoryne of Mainland Asia

Niels Jacobsen

C. crispatula Engl. var. crispatula

C. crispatula Engl., Pflanzenreich IV, 23 F, p. 247 (1920). - C. retrospiralis (Roxb.) Kunth var. crispatula (Engl.) De Wit, Aquarienpflanzen, p. 184 (1971). - Lectotype (selected by Rataj 1975): Harmand 65 (= 3355 = 3356), Se Lam Phao, 1876 (P, isotypes B, BM, K, P).

C. bertelihansenii Rataj, Rev. Gen. Cryptocoryne, Studie CSAV, c 3: 49 (1975). Type: Beusekom & al. 4055, Nam Phrom (= Phu Khieo), 10.12.1971 (L, isotypes BKF, C, K, MU, P).

Leaves: 10 - 30 cm long, 0.4 - 1.6 cm broad, smooth (always ?), upright, rather stiff, usually (?) emerged, margin entire, or serrulate, occasionally slightly undulate (Figs. 7 F - G, 18 D - E). Spathe with a short or long tube, 10 - 20 cm long, limb with a rather long, somewhat tight to open spiral (Figs. 10 A, C - D, F).

Notes: Within what is here called var. crispatula, there seem to be several forms that show a certain variation, but I have not been able to subdivide it further, without recognizing another 4 - 5 taxa. Apparently var. crispatula mostly grows emerged, and has comparatively stiff leaves, ending in a shorter or longer apex. Some forms have an entire margin, while others have a more or less irregularly serrulate margin. The length of the leaves varies from 10 - 30 cm, apparently always (?) green. Some plants have a relatively long tube of the spathe ((10-) 12 - 30 cm) while others have a rather short one (7 - 12 cm).

Var. crispatula seems to be found in the central and northern Thailand and northern Vietnam.