Stories from the Mekong: Two new Cryptocoryne (Araceae)
C. crispulata var. decus-mekongensis and C. mekongensis
by: Idei, Bastmeijer and Jacobsen.

Stories from the Mekong: Two new Cryptocoryne (Araceae)
C. crispulata var. decus-mekongensis and C. mekongensis
by: Idei, Bastmeijer and Jacobsen.


English translation

p. 139. The habitat of Cryptocoryne crispatula var. decus-mekongensis on the Mekong River.
p. 140, upper. The niche in the Riverbed of the Mekong showing Cryptocoryne crispatula var. decus-mekongensis grows tightly tugged in between the stones.
p. 140, middle. The niche in the Riverbed of the Mekong showing Cryptocoryne crispatula var. decus-mekongensis at a stage with receding water and shortly before they flower. p. 140, lower. A large plant of Cryptocoryne crispatula var. decus-mekongensis with greenish and brownish marbled leaves that are somewhat undulate, and the characteristic limb of the spathe.
p. 141. Flowering plant of Cryptocoryne crispatula var. decus-mekongensis with green leaves which are undulate; with the characteristic limb of the spathe.
p. 142, upper. Spathes of different plants of Cryptocoryne crispatula var. decus-mekongensis showing the variation found within a single population.
p. 142, lower. Spathes of different plants of Cryptocoryne crispatula var. decus-mekongensis showing the colouration found inside the spathe from the kettle, tube and limb.
p. 143. The habitat of Cryptocoryne mekongensis in a small tributary of the Mekong River at Don Khon showing the emergent plants growing tightly tugged in between the stones.
p. 144, left. Spathe of Cryptocoryne mekongensis.
p. 144, right. Flowering Cryptocoryne mekongensis at the natural habitat
p. 145. A. Longitudinal section of the kettle and tube of Cryptocoryne mekongensis. B. Several times twisted limb of the spathe with the purple coloured inner surface. C. Surface of the limb of the spathe with the ridged surface above the collar zone. D. Flowering plant of Cryptocoryne mekongensis.
p. 146. Lower part of a plant of Cryptocoryne mekongensis where the kettle and tube of the spathe has been cut open

All photos: T. Idei